Our Values
Core Convictions
We are a team of passionate individuals that are saved by Grace and live to serve. Below are a few of the core values and convictions we hold ourselves to so the work we do can have the most impact.
Jesus is our WHY
We are a small tribe of passionate individuals. The common faith in Jesus that many of us share makes our culture so contagious...and He is our why and motivation behind everything we do.
Health is a Rhythm
We believe balance doesn’t exist but healthy rhythms can. When healthy people maintain healthy rhythms (habits, processes, and behaviors) this creates realistic expectations and sustainable results; therefore, health isn’t a goal we strive for but a rhythm we live out.
Margin is Essential
We are margin-makers. We believe that when we live our lives proactively investing our time in what is most important (faith and family), the rest of our time is most effective. We strive to create margin so we can live and lead by example for ourselves, our team, and our clients - in that order.
Over-Communication is Key
We strive to never surprise our team or our clients and since time is valuable and expensive, miscommunication can be costly; therefore, we over-communicate as a team (in-writing) to ensure we stay on the same page to avoid mistakes when and if possible.
Trust is Our Default
Trust is easily given, easily broken, and difficult if not impossible to repair. We are committed to expecting the best of people and to be honoring and respectful, always promoting unity regardless of intentions.
We are Always Learning
Constant innovation and improvement are hallmarks of the Clever team. We always strive to learn more about what growth strategies and tactics are working and how they can be leveraged to help our clients grow. Our team is committed to remaining curious and open-minded to new concepts and ideas that decrease our blindspots and ultimately benefit ourselves and our clients.
Conflict is Normal
We believe conflict is inevitable and drama is a choice. When conflict isn’t present, honesty is often absent as well. As a team, we don’t avoid conflict, but neither do we seek it out. We set realistic expectations for our projects, team, and clients. We’re not a team of "yes" men—we do what’s right, not what’s easy. We never sugarcoat things, but we always strive to speak with love.
Results Matter
This isn’t our hobby, it’s our passion. We care about the outcomes of our work and measure them closely. We are not doing our job if we are not intentionally striving for meaningful progress for each of our clients. We relentlessly pursue a clear strategic end and adapt quickly when something isn’t working.
Process > Outcome
Clear processes provide a framework for achieving goals efficiently and effectively. They also provide the foundation for realistic expectations and predicable outcomes; therefore, we believe processes are more important than outcomes as a positive outcome without a clear process is one to learn from, not a cause for celebration.